Friday, September 7, 2012

The Top 25 Greatest TV Characters of All Time

Now I know there's thousands of these kind of lists floating around out there, but I thought I'd create my own version.  Of course, the list is not objective at all.  It's filled with TV shows like.  With that, let the list begin!

Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) - 30 Rock

Best Quote: "I love this cornbread so much, I wanna take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant."

Charlie Kelly (Charlie Day) - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 
Best Quote: “Yes, my good man, I’ll have the milk steak, boiled over hard, and your finest jelly beans ...raw.”

Tobias Fünke (David Cross) - Arrested Development
Best Quote: "I'm afraid that I just blue myself."

Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub) - Monk
adrian monk

Best Quote: [about to shake hands with five people] "It's a stampede. Get a wipe ready."

Mark Corrigan (David Mitchell) - Peep Show
Best Quote: "Good old, unfriendly Mr Patel. Never says a word, whether you're buying cornflakes, fabric softener, or gay porn."

Frank Reynolds (Danny DeVito) - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Best Quote: [singing] "You got to pay the troll toll if you want to get into this boy's-soul!"

Dexter Mogan (Michael C. Hall) - Dexter
File:Dexter Morgan.jpg
Best Quote: "Do I see sheets of plastic in your future?"

Malcolm (Frankie Muniz) - Malcolm in the Middle
Best Quote: "You want to know the best part about childhood? At some point, it stops."

Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) - The Office

Best Quote: "Security in this office park is a joke. Last year I came to work with my spud-gun in a duffel bag. I sat at my desk all day with a rifle that shoots potatoes at 60 pounds per square inch. Can you imagine if I was deranged?"

Walter White - (Bryan Cranston) - Breaking Bad
Best Quote: "Smoking marijuana, eating Cheese Doodles, and masturbating do not constitute as 'plans' in my book!"

Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) - Entourage
Best Quote: "Fuck the phones, Lloyd! Unless Carmen Electra calls for an emergency titty fuck, don't answer!"

Michael Scott (Steve Carell) - The Office
Best Quote: “If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.”

Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen) - Da Ali G Show
Best Quote: "I don't know if you know this, but dolphins ain't fish. They is like us, they is mammaries."

Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) - House
Best Quote: 
Patient’s Mother: "How can you just sit there?"
Dr. House: "If I eat standing up, I spill."

Larry David (Larry David) - Curb Your Enthusiasm
Best Quote:  [Larry has a flat tire in the city, and doesn't know how to fix it
[to various passerbys] You know anything about changing a tire? Wanna help me change a tire here? No? I could use a little help. I need a little assistance. I never took a shop class, and I need a little help. Ok, I'm just coming flat out and saying 'help me'. Anybody want to help a semi-retarded individual change a tire? 25, 30 dollars. 30 dollars to change this tire. 35 dollars to change this tire right now. 
[People are ignoring him
I'll give you 10 dollars for a verbal response. 10 dollars. Anybody want to make 10 dollars and respond verbally? No?  

Fred Flintstone (Alan Reed) - The Flintstones
Best Quote: "Why can't they invent something for us to marry instead of women?"

Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) - The Colbert Report
Best Quote: "Move over Oprah you fat bitch, tonight every member of my audience receives a priceless gift... the Truth."

Miss Piggy (Frank Oz) - The Muppet Show
Best Quote: "Moi's hair has natural curls. So does my tail."

Peter Griffin (Seth MacFarlane) - Family Guy
Best Quote: "I had such a crush on her. Until I met you Lois. You're my silver medal."

George Costanza (Jason Alexander) - Seinfeld
Best Quote: "Only I could fail at failing."

Bart Simpson (Nancy Cartwright) - The Simpsons
File:Bart Simpson.svg
Best Quote: “I never thought it was humanly possible, but this both sucks and blows.”

Kermit the Frog (Jim Henson) - The Muppet Show
Best Quote: "Time's fun when you're having flies."

Stewie Griffin (Seth MacFarlane) - Family Guy
Best Quote: "Let me guess, you picked out yet another colorful box with a crank that I'm expected to turn and turn until ooh, big shock, a jack pops out and you laugh and the kids laugh and the dog laughs and I die a little inside."

Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards) - Seinfeld
Best Quote: [While drinking water] "I'm going through this stuff like water."

Homer Simpson (Dan Castellaneta) - The Simpsons
Best Quote: "Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things!"