Friday, July 16, 2010

First Post!

Hi, my name is Tim. I am a college student majoring in business. I have always loved movies, and recently I got the idea to watch every movie ever made. I'm not really sure if it's possible, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. With the help of Netflix, local video stores, movie theaters, and friend/family movie collections, I will go about watching as many movies as possible. Hopefully I can gain some sort of enlightenment or superior knowledge because of this experience.

Now, this will be somewhat difficult. First of all, my biggest obstacle will be time. I will have to work around my job, school, social life, etc. Second, I will have to watch a lot of boring, terrible movies. I don't know how I will be able to sit through some of these films, but I will have to figure out some way. Lastly, I am sure many films are not available on DVD or VHS, either because they are too old or too obscure. So, these are my main obstacles, but I will do my best to overcome them.

I've decided to start compiling all the movies I watch, and writing about my experience in this blog.

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