Friday, July 16, 2010

Top 20 Directors of All Time

This isn't my favorite 20 directors, but rather a more un-biased top 20 list. I took data from the IMDB Top 250 list to see which directors had the most movies on the list. These are the top 20.

20. Roman Polanski
Movies: The Pianist; Chinatown; Rosemary's Baby

19. Ridley Scott
Movies: Alien; Gladiator; Blade Runner

18. David Lean
Movies: Lawrence of Arabia; The Bridge on the River Kwai; Brief Encounter

17. Frank Capra
Movies: It's a Wonderful Life; Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; It Happened One Night

16. David Fincher
Movies: Fight Club; Se7en; The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

15. Sidney Lumet
Movies: 12 Angry Men; Dog Day Afternoon; Network

14. James Cameron
Movies: Terminator 2: Judgement Day; Aliens; Avatar; The Terminator

13. Christopher Nolan
Movies: The Dark Knight; Memento; Inception; Batman Begins

12. Lee Unkrich
Movies: Toy Story 3; Finding Nemo; Toy Story 2; Monster's Inc.

11. Sergio Leone
Movies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Once Upon a Time in the West; Once Upon a Time in America; For a Few Dollars More

10. Francis Ford Coppola
Movies: The Godfather; The Godfather: Part II; Apocalypse Now; The Conversation

9. Charlie Chaplin
Movies: City Lights; Modern Times; The Great Dictator; The Gold Rush; The Kid

8. Martin Scorcese
Movies: Goodfellas; Taxi Driver; The Departed; Raging Bull; Casino

7. Akira Kurosawa
Movies: Seven Samurai; Rashomon; Yojimbo; Ran; Ikiru

6. Steven Spielberg
Movies: Schindler's List; Raiders of the Lost Ark; Saving Private Ryan; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Jaws

5. Quentin Tarantino
QuentinTarantino.jpg image by mimglow
Movies: Pulp Fiction; Resevoir Dogs; Inglourious Basterds; Sin City (guest director); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Kill Bill: Vol. 2

4. Clint Eastwood
Movies: Gran Torino; Unforgiven; Million Dollar Baby; Letters from Iwo Jima; Mystic River; Changeling

3. Billy Wilder
Movies: Sunset Blvd.; Double Indemnity; Some Like It Hot; The Apartment; Witness for the Prosecution; Stalag 17

2. Stanley Kubrick
Movies: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; The Shining; A Clockwork Orange; Paths of Glory; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Full Metal Jacket; The Killing; Barry Lyndon; Spartacus

1. Alfred Hitchcock
Movies: Rear Window; Psycho; North by Northwest; Vertigo; Rebecca; Strangers on a Train; Notorious; Dial M for Murder; Shadow of a Doubt; Rope

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